Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolved: It will be a New Year.

Since the Mayan calendar makers were prophetically dead wrong about 2012 (the Republican National Committee and conservative talk radio blew the call too, but I have no desire to pick at that scab), it seems as though we’ve all been given the blank slate of a new year on which to write.

That being the case, we might as well look ahead to things we’d like to do differently over the next 12 months. In other words, it’s time for resolutions. I’ve seen research showing that only 8% of people actually follow through with their New Year’s Resolutions. I resolve to be in that number. No, really. And in case you’re curious, here are but a few of my other resolutions for 2013:

I resolve to learn how to tweet. But not to tweet like a twit. And to tweet only when necessary – which, I have a strong suspicion, will be almost never. But in case you’re so inclined, feel free to tweet yours twuly at #JAlanChase.

I resolve to never again think that anyone’s opinion will be changed even the slightest by a Facebook post. Reasoned debate is rare among the social network’s millions of users – or even informed discussion, for that matter.

I resolve to memorize at least one verse of scripture each week this year. I’ve tried other techniques to memorize Bible passages before, but the past Father’s Day my son gave me a wonderful daily devotional that has inspired me to learn a new verse each week since then. Such profound joy, comfort and wisdom can be found in those sacred pages, indeed.

I resolve to play my guitar(s) much, much more than I have for far too many years now. Oh, and to get back to writing songs.

I resolve to continue my streak of having not watched a single episode of “Housewives of (fill in the city of your choice here)” or “the X Factor.”

Which reminds me to resolve to never watch even a single minute more of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” This shameless train wreck of a show is depressingly sad on so many levels. Speaking of which, I also resolve not to waste a minute of my life watching any broadcast in which that buffoonish British blowhard, Piers Morgan, makes an appearance.

I resolve to lift more iron weights and less emotional ones.

I resolve to break tradition and buy those illusive replacement Christmas light bulbs and/or extra strings of lighting when OSH, and Home Depot and Do-It Center still have them stock – between July 4th and Labor Day.

I resolve to take longer hikes to higher places and take more time to enjoy the views when I arrive.

I resolve to NOT make more than $250k this year so my government doesn’t demonize me as a millionaire or “wealthy.” (For the record, this could be the easiest resolution to keep of all time.)

Speaking of low incomes, I resolve to finally, at long last, write that novel that has been taking up space in my head for the past several years. And for good measure, I resolve to write a couple or three short stories, too, just to warm up. Or cool down.

I resolve to not to beat myself up too terribly when I’ve given up on some or all of the above resolutions by about ... oh, say ... Valentine’s Day.

Someone once said that an optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in, and a pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. I can relate to both of those sentiments, so I’m not sure what that makes me.

Finally, there’s one resolution I can already check off my list – to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. In 2013, may your troubles disappear even sooner than your resolutions. I’ll see you ‘round town.

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