Our world is a place of many wonders – a baby’s birth, a bird in flight, the grandeur of snow-covered mountains, Donald Trump’s hair. Here are some of my personal wonders of late:
I wonder … why pants with two legs are called a “pair” and eyeglasses with two lenses are a “pair,” but a shirt with two arms is only a shirt. Shouldn’t it too be a pair of shirts, like a pair of pants or a pair of glasses? Who decides these things? And while we’re talking shirts (well, me at least), why is a woman’s called a blouse, but a mans’ is a shirt? And why do women’s blouses have buttons on the opposite side as men’s shirts?
I wonder … whatever happened to the imminent catastrophic disaster that was predicted ad nauseam as a result of the Japanese Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant explosions following the massive tsunami? According to the agenda-driven media, we were all doomed to become glowing examples of a nuclear nightmare come true. Yes, there are still many serious problems to overcome as a result of old nuclear technology built in a worst-possible location being hit by a natural (but not unprecedented) disaster of Biblical proportions. In spite of this, no lives were lost due to the reactor “disaster.” In fact, the biggest, most impressive meltdown has been of the anti-nuke hysteria surrounding the entire incident.
I wonder … speaking of dangerous and deadly energy production – why there isn’t an uproar over the many thousands of birds (many of which are rare and endangered) and entire colonies of ecologically vital bats being Osterized every year in the U.S. by windmill farms built smack dab in their migratory paths because that’s where the wind is? I mean, can you imagine the media stink if these same creatures were being decimated by oil production?
I wonder … why every major newspaper and TV network trumpeted the killing of Osama bin Laden as a proud moment in our history, a triumph of justice and a source of great comfort to the victims of 9/11. And yet, a vast majority of these very same news outlets regularly preach the progressive foolishness that capital punishment is not justice served, does nothing to benefit the victims’ families and is an evil act unto itself. Except in this case, right?
I wonder … why Nancy Pelosi blustered to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in a July 17, 2008 interview about $4-a-gallon gas prices that, “The price of oil is attributed to two oil men in the White House and their protectors in the United States Senate.” In a later interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, she called the rise in gas prices “… a scam of the greatest magnitude.” So, is she blasting and blaming the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for our latest skyrocketing prices at the pump? To put it in social media vernacular: LOL. Of course not. I’ll say one thing, Ms. Pelosi, when it comes to great scams, you’re the queen.
I wonder … what the crew of the USS Carl Vinson must have thought when it was ordered that Muslim seamen would respectfully wash and anoint the body of a heinous terrorist with perfume and then recite prayers for his soul – all in the name of giving him a “proper” Islamic burial at sea (even though Islamic law requires burial in the ground). Wait. Haven’t we been told repeatedly that Osama Bin Laden wasn’t a true Muslim? And talk about sending mixed messages to our sworn enemies. We can send a high-velocity round through that monster’s forehead, but at least we showed respect to his body before turning it into shark chum in the Indian Ocean. Certainly don’t want the bad guys mad at us, right? And speaking of ticking people off …
I wonder … how anyone can take seriously the latest imagined indignation being protested by the American Indian Movement all because our Navy SEALS strike team used the code name “Geronimo” to identify Osama bin Laden during the raid on his compound? Are you kidding me? Maybe the commando team assigned to Ayman al Zawahiri will use the name “Custer” and make it all better. Get a life, people.
I wonder … how many readers will be p’oed with me this week? Guess we’ll soon find out soon enough. I’ll see you ‘round town.
Note: This is an edited repost of my column first published yesterday, 6.9.11, in the Crescenta Valley Weekly newspaper (cvweekly.com).
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