Friday, April 1, 2011

Clarifications & Disclaimers

I've been asked (please don’t make me swear to this) if the posts of my columns [new columns will begin appearing April 8] on this blog will be identical to what is printed in the Crescenta Valley Weekly newspaper each week.

Actually, yes. And no.

Yes, many of the columns posted here will be virtually word-for-word accurate with the printed versions that litter the streets and gutters of the Crescenta Valley communities served by the newspaper. No, however, because my intent is not to simply archive every column I write.

For example, when I post a column that has been written to specifically address a topic or concern unique to the Crescenta Valley area that I live in, I’ll try to revise or edit the piece for a broader audience. Make sense?

Also, many times I write about a subject that winds up being well over the 650 word limit imposed the print-version of my column. While having to write and edit to a rather concise word-count is a worthy challenge for any writer and learning to tell a story or argue a point in a page and a half is great for honing one’s writing chops – sometimes I just want to say more on any given subject.

This online platform will allow me to do that and frankly, I can’t wait to play out a little more leash on some of my thoughts. Better brew up a few extra cups o’ the bean.

I’ll also be able to post random and sometimes ridiculous (maybe even redeeming?) thoughts or links or comments as they happen to be relevant to whatever’s going on in my life, the life of our country, even our planet.

Wow, heavy.

One more thing: If you do happen to want to read or even compare the original versions that are written for print, you can always find them online at: But I’ll warn you: the official newspaper web site only seems to archive columns for a month or two at most. And that’s another reason why I wanted to have my own place to archive columns.

We creative types are such control freaks, y’know.  

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