Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Welcome to the new My Thoughts, Exactly blog. Having written well over 150 weekly columns – first for the now-defunct Crescenta Valley Sun newspaper (owned and killed by its dysfunctional parent, the LA Times, which also owns the Glendale Newspress, and the ... oh, never mind), and then the CV Weekly newspaper (published with great pride and at equally impressive expense by Robin Goldsworthy, the former editor of the former CV Sun paper), I knew there had to be a way to keep these 650-word (give or take a few) musings “out there” for anyone who wanted to read them at any given time.

After all, I realize that not everyone has a CV Weekly paper thrown onto their driveway every Thursday morning. Heck, even I don’t have a CV Weekly paper thrown on my driveway every Thursday morning and I’ve written a column in the dang thing since its debut edition. To be fair, I live on what’s called a “flag lot” with four other homes that share a common driveway. One other neighbor actually has a paid subscription to the paper and the dear woman is well into her eighties. For some reason, the folks who deliver the paper in the wee hours of Thursday mornings are unable to throw more than one paper onto a single driveway – no matter how many times they’ve been admonished to do so by the powers-that-be at the worldwide headquarters of the publishing empire affectionately (and legally) known as the Crescenta Valley Weekly.

Anyway, back to my neighbor. I’ve watched her take the better part of a morning to shuffle from her front porch down the end of the driveway to retrieve her paper. So believe me, I’m not going to be the chuckle head who takes the lone copy of the CV Weekly that is delivered to our collective driveway. Beside which, the paper is available free of charge at many retail locations throughout our fair Foothills community – places such as Starbucks, Walgreen’s, all of our supermarkets and many other places. In other words, my neighbor’s paper is safe.

Where was I? Oh, right. I’ve long wanted an online place to archive the My Thoughts, Exactly columns that is easily accessible, searchable by key words, and managed by yours truly rather than a pimply-faced, I.T. mole web-master at the newspaper’s home office. (Not that I’ve ever even seen the aforementioned I.T. nerd, er … person at the paper – but you know what I’m getting at.)

And so … in addition to posting my latest column on the Friday after it has been published in the CV Weekly (if you want to read it the same day it’s published, you’ll just have to subscribe to the paper), I also have every intention to post lengthier versions of my columns as time and thinking permit – along with unpublished (at least in newsprint) columns or posts that may not be appropriate for my regular weekly column in the newspaper. I’ll also throw down the occasional odd or random thoughts and comments as they occur to me and as I think someone may be interested in reading.

Stay tuned. Check this space often. Tell a friend. Please.

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